English Test

Вы выбрали тест на уровень английского языка. Для того, чтобы пройти тест, Вам нужно ответить на 40 вопросов. На каждый вопрос есть только один вариант ответа. За каждый правильный ответ вы получаете 1 бал. Максимальное количество баллов, которые можно получить - 40. На прохождение теста дается 30 минут, после чего укажите в графе Ваше имя, электронную почту и нажмите кнопку «отправить тест». В течение 24х часов Вам придет ответ на тест. Желаем удачи!

1. What’s the weather like… Russia at the moment ?

Invalid Input

2. It’s my birthday… Friday, so we’re spending the weekend in London.

Invalid Input

3. We usually go away somewhere on holiday… New Year.

Invalid Input

4. My mum… the bus to work every morning, but my dad drives.

Invalid Input

5. Public… in this city is quite good, and it’s not expensive.

Invalid Input

6. Bob… a lot of money in his brother’s business and made a profit.

Invalid Input

7. I gave the waiter a € 50 note and waited for my… .

Invalid Input

8. I don’t have… money, so I’ll have to wait to get a new coat.

Invalid Input

9. That’s not your calculator. It’s… .

Invalid Input

10. Einstein is the person… showed that time can speed up and slow down.

Invalid Input

11. This is the laboratory… we do all the experiments.

Invalid Input

12. Do you think I could have… water, please?

Invalid Input

13. At my last basketball club, we… every Saturday for three hours.

Invalid Input

14. I broke my leg when Tony and I… for the school sports day.

Invalid Input

15. Denise… at the stadium until she finds a better job.

Invalid Input

16. Lizzie has been having dance classes… she was four years old.

Invalid Input

17. Do you think Curtis… the car race tomorrow?

Invalid Input

18. I couldn’t… the programme so I turned the TV up.

Invalid Input

19. My brother… write when he was just three years old.

Invalid Input

20. I sent the letter yesterday, so it… get there tomorrow.

Invalid Input

21. Do you… to pay to send the package back?

Invalid Input

22. I read about the accident… the Internet.

Invalid Input

23. … that crossword for over an hour and you still haven’t finished it!

Invalid Input

24. The exam… when Jimmy finally found the right room.

Invalid Input

25. It’s the first time… all the answers right in a test!

Invalid Input

26. Let’s go for a swim as soon as we… the hotel.

Invalid Input

27. There’s a train coming. Don’t stand at the edge of the… .

Invalid Input

28. I… a lot of money on my credit cards and I don’t know if I can pay it back.

Invalid Input

29. My bike…! Call the police!

Invalid Input

30. I’m tired because I… since eight this morning.

Invalid Input

31. Is that Paul? He must… from Australia.

Invalid Input

32. Could you tell us…?

Invalid Input

33. What we eat… how much energy we have during the day.

Invalid Input

34. Jeanne, … us that joke about the guy who knocks on the door.

Invalid Input

35. Carol asked if that film… .

Invalid Input

36. We were made… up all the mess we’d made.

Invalid Input

37. The food was great, … it was very expensive.

Invalid Input

38. I’m really looking forward… you next week.

Invalid Input

39. I want… me what’s wrong, but she won’t.

Invalid Input

40. He denied… the money, but no one believed him.

Invalid Input

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